European Commission: We Are Not Concerned With Romania’s Readiness For The EU Council Presidency

The chief of European Commission spokespersons, Schinas Margaritis, stated on Monday that the European institution does not have any concerns on Romania’s capacity to take over the EU Council presidency.

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European Commission: We Are Not Concerned With Romania’s Readiness For The EU Council Presidency

Asked in a press briefing on Monday if there are any concerns on the subject following the resignation of the country’s European Affairs Minister Victor Negrescu, Margaritis stated that the Commission trusted in the professionalism of Romanian authorities.

“We do not have any concerns. We trust in the professionalism of the future Romanian presidency and the satisfying level of the administrative arrangements to be made. And we are ready to collaborate,” said the spokeperson.


Romania is due to take over the EU Council presidency for a six-month term in January, with the term to coincide with the presumed end of negotiations for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union.


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