Investigators Find Black Box Of Helicopter Crashed In Central Romania

The black box of the helicopter that crashed Wednesday night somewhere between the towns of Strabeni and Ungheni, in Arges county, central Romania, was found and the investigators recovered the bodies of the three victims Thursday morning.

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Helicopter Crashes In Central Romanian County With Three People On Board

Forensics have so far established that the three died from severe traumas following the crash.
Ungheni mayor, Cornel Neacsu, was the person who reported the incident.
Colonel Nicolae Grosu, head of the Arges Emergency Inspectorate, confirmed this was an IAR PUMA SOCAT helicopter having three people on board. Grosu said that the helicopter exploded when hitting the ground.
He added that the fire was immediately put out.
Andreea Dumitru, spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense, said that an IAR PUMA SOCAT helicopter that took off at 17.45 local time from Air-Base 90 has gone missing.
Dumitru said that the causes why the connection with the helicopter was lost are still unknown. She added that a technical commission was set up to start investigations on the case.


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