Poll: 2018 Was Hard for Recruiting – 29 Interviews to One Hire

Nearly nine out of ten companies had a tougher time finding suitable employees in 2018 compared with previous years, interviewing an average 29 candidates before hiring one person, a poll by HappyRecruiter showed Thursday.

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Poll: 2018 Was Hard for Recruiting – 29 Interviews to One Hire

The poll included 750 employers and 1,100 job candidates in five European countries.

The main challenges for employers in 2018 were finding candidates (38%), getting them to accept benefit packages (23%) and finding specialized skills (21%). Other challenges were candidates not making interviews (9%) and candidates leaving companies soon after being hired.

Overall, 85% of the employers polled said it was difficult or very difficult for them in 2018 to find suitable employees compared with previous years while just 15% said it was easier or the same compared with previous years.


Two out of three employers seek employees on social media more than on job sites. Just one out of five recruiters uses new technologies and one recruiter calls an average of 29 candidates before hiring one.

Six out of ten recruiters expect 2019 to be even more difficult and 25% think they need better recruiting techniques, 20% – additional investments in marketing, 15% – internal changes at their company, and a change in attitude on the part of candidates during the recruitment process.

Two out of three of job candidates polled received at least one job change offer in 2018. One in three would change jobs for better benefits, 24% of candidates seek employers with better company policies, 21% seek different work and other needs, apart from financial aspects.

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