Romania Wins Second Place In "Dancing Around The World" Competition

Romanian singer Andreea Balan and her dance partner Petrisor Ruge, Romania’s representatives in the international competition "Dancing around the world” won second place in this year’s edition that took place in Mexico.

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Romania Wins Second Place In "Dancing Around The World" Competition

Balan and Ruge, together with their choreographer Doina Botis, placed second in a difficult contest with many new styles, specific to Latin America.

“We are extremely proud of our success because we managed to defeat professionals and we have proven that Romanians can handle Latin dances,” said Balan.

The competition proved to be a great opportunity for Balan who managed to sign a deal with EMI Music Mexico, and is to release an album in the spring of 2008 on the Mexican market.

Eight other teams took part in the 2007 “Dancing Around the World" competition, from Ecuador, Paraguay, Panama, Columbia, Argentina, Slovakia, Mexico and Costa Rica.          

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