Romanian Liberals Appoint Bogdan Olteanu Party Spokesperson

The new spokesperson of Romania’s Liberal Party is Bogdan Olteanu, party leader Calin Tariceanu said Monday, after the meeting of the party’s Central Politic Office.


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Romanian Liberals Appoint Bogdan Olteanu Party Spokesperson

“We made the decision to appoint a spokesperson as (…) we now are the main opposition force, and the office designated Bogdan Olteanu to fill the position of spokesperson for the National Liberal Party,” Tariceanu said.

The Secretary General will come up in one week with a scheme for the functioning of the spokesperson’s department, whose task is to ease “communication with the press, the citizens, the institutions, and the internal communication with the party’s branches”.

Sources within the party said Olteanu was elected with majority of votes for the position of spokesperson, with 15 votes in favor, nine against and five abstentions.

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