Romanian Probationary Employment Period No Longer Than 90 Days – Draft Labor Code

The probationary employment period will be no longer than 90 calendar days, for both regular and management positions, and an employer will be allowed to have several people on trial for the same job, but for no longer than one year in all, says the latest draft of Romania's Labor Code.

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Romanian Probationary Employment Period No Longer Than 90 Days – Draft Labor Code

According to the document, obtained by MEDIAFAX, the length of the probationary period is decided when signing the individual work contract. The period cannot be longer than 30 days in the case of employees with a disability.

During the trial period, the contract can be terminated in writing, by any of the parties. The employee enjoys every right and has every obligation provided by labor legislation while on probation.

The draft code also says night-shift employees may opt between a one-hour shorter schedule on days with at least three hours of work during the night, or a salary bonus of at least 25% for each hour of night work.


Romania's five labor union confederations announced they will discuss protest action on Monday, dissatisfied with the amendments to the Labor Code, which they say are unfair to employees.

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