Romanian Ruling Party Leader Denies Tensions Between Him And Prime Minister

Romanian social democrat leader Liviu Dragnea denied Friday the existence of tensions between him and Prime Minister Mihai Tudose, and the prime minister said that any tensions were the result of a lack of dialogue, an issue they have meanwhile solved.

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Romanian Ruling Party Leader Denies Tensions Between Him And Prime Minister

Dragnea said that he had several discussions with Tudose and that the two overcame their difficult moments. The social democrat leader praised the prime minister and said that he wants to work together with him so that the government fully implements its policies. He added that the party overcame an "extremely complicated situation."

The prime minister mentioned that it was a lack of dialogue that led to tensions and that honesty is the best way for solving problems.

Tudose had announced earlier this week that his relation with Dragnea was not in its “happiest moment.”



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