Romanian Writer Pop Simion Dies At 77

Romanian writer, journalist and former ambassador to Hungary during 1990-1992, Pop Simion, 77, died Monday in Hungarian city of Pecs after a long battle against an unbearable disease.


Simion was born on September 25, 1930, in Varai village, in Maramures County, northern Romania.
Simion was vice-president of the Romanian Writers’ Union, editor-in-chief of “Romania Pitoreasca” magazine and of tourism publications for abroad, as well as the country’s first ambassador to Hungary after the fall of communism in December 1989.
Simion wrote hundreds of articles for magazines and newspapers in Romania and abroad and published nearly 30 volumes of prose, travel stories and poetry, among which, “Paralela 45," "Nord," "Amfitrion," "Triunghiul," "Criza de timp," "Pieton în Cuba," "Cartea Chinei," "Amfora sabina," "Student la istorie," "Luptătorul fericit si iubirea lui patimasa," "Bestiariu," "Fotograful de ingeri," "Excelenta Sa," "Nomad in Mezoamerica," "Sinele-Cainele."
Simion will be buried Saturday, May 17, 13:00 local time, at the Orthodox Cemetery in Hungarian city of Gyula.  

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