UPDATE: Thirteen Dead, Three Badly Injured In Train-Hit Van, In NE Romania

Other two people of those injured on Friday in the train-hit van in Iasi, north-eastern Romania, died on the way to the hospital, increasing the death toll to thirteen, including one infant, deputy secretary of state Raed Arafat said Friday.

22 afișări
Imaginea articolului UPDATE: Thirteen Dead, Three Badly Injured In Train-Hit Van, In NE Romania

Thirteen Dead, Three Badly Injured In Train-Hit Van, In NE Romania

Three persons have been severely injured and are now in a coma, according to the chief of the Iasi county SMURD Emergency Service, Diana Cimpoesu. The driver was taken to the Iasi County Hospital, one person to the Neurosurgery Hospital and another to the Orthopedic Hospital.

The initial data supplied by the Traffic Police showed ten fatalities in the crash, and another three people, including the van’s driver, in serious condition.


A van with 16 passengers was hit by a train at a railroad crossing in northeastern Romanian county Iasi, near the locality Scanteia.

According to the Iasi county traffic police, the accident occurred because of the van driver, who disregarded the visual marks at the railroad crossing. The van was hit in the middle and remained stuck on the locomotive, after which it was dragged all the way to the Scanteia train station.

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