Republic Of Moldova Lifts Visas For Romanians

Moldova’s interim president Mihai Ghimpu said Thursday he signed a decree suspending the government’s decision of April 8 which introduced travel visas for Romanian citizens, reported.


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Republic Of Moldova Lifts Visas For Romanians

Ghimpu said Romanian will be able to travel freely to the Republic of Moldova starting Friday, September 18, when the decree is published in the country's Official Journal and becomes effective.

The decree is pending examination by the Moldovan Constitutional Court, Info-Prim Neo reported online.

Moldova introduced travel visas for Romanian citizens in April this year, following violent clashes between anticommunist protesters and security forces in April this year.

Several European officials criticized the decision of Moldova's former president Vladimir Voronin to introduce visas for Romanians and repeatedly called on Moldovan authorities to cancel the abusive visa policy.

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