Romanian Integrity Agency Uncovers Two More Possible COI Cases

Romania’s National Integrity Agency (ANI) called on prosecutors to investigate a possible conflict on interest in the case of deputies Ioan Cindrea and Karoly Kerekes, who hired their relatives in parliamentary offices, the agency said in a press release Tuesday.


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Romanian Integrity Agency Uncovers Two More Possible COI Cases

Investigations started in 2010 revealed Cindrea's wife worked within her husband's MP office in the Sibiu constituency from October 2009 until February 2011, said ANI.

Integrity inspectors also found that Kerekes hired his son and wife at his parliamentary office in the Mures constituency.

According to ANI, procedures have been started to cancel the work contracts signed in violation of the law regarding conflicts of interest.

Last week, the integrity agency asked prosecutors to investigate five lawmakers who hired their first-degree relatives in parliamentary offices. The MPs targeted were Oana Niculescu Mizil, Sonia-Maria Draghici, Mihai Radan, Stelica Iacob Strugaru and Andras-Levente Mate.

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