Romanian Unions To Start Protests Against Labor Code On February 28

Romanian unionists are calling for a general strike to start on the day President Basescu receives the draft Labor Code and Social Dialogue Code, and will organize local protests starting with February 28.


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Romanian Unions To Start Protests Against Labor Code On February 28

According to the plan agreed upon by the leaders of the union federations affiliated with the five union confederations, protests in Bucharest will begin on the day the Chamber of Deputies debates the amendments to the Labor Code.

The unionists will picket the entrances into the Parliament building, the headquarters of the ruling parties and rallies in front of local town halls and county halls, from February 28 until April 18.

The ruling coalition's leaders propose that the Government should seek a vote of confidence in Parliament to adopt the new labor legislation, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Monday, adding the matter will be discussed with ruling parties' MPs.

The prime minister added that negotiations with social partners will continue. He pointed out that the amendments brought by lawmakers to the Labor Code will also be taken into account.

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