AC/DC Date In Bucharest Falsely Advertised - Official Band Website

Promoters in Bucharest, Romania have been falsely advertising AC/DC as the headliner for their two-day Bucharest Rock Arena festival happening on May 30 and 31, 2009, band officials said on the Aussie rockers’ official website.


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AC/DC Date In Bucharest Falsely Advertised - Official Band Website

Tickets for this event have been available online as well as various retail outlets in Bucharest and AC/DC fans are encouraged to visit the official website’s ticket page for a list of all sanctioned concerts.

Bucharest Rock Arena festival organizers, PlayCool, left for Israel and company representatives can no longer be contacted.

Eran Douchan of PlayCool issued a press release Tuesday saying the festival will be postponed for a later date, to be announced soon. Douchan cited organizational reasons for the postponement.

Cristian Busuioc of One Event, co-organizer in charge of Romanian bands playing in the festival, told MEDIAFAX that people from PlayCool didn’t answer or return calls and gave no explanations for the postponement of the festival.

Festival tickets had already gone on sale and Busuioc said people who bought tickets can get their money back starting April 15.


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