Bucharest General Mayor Ponders Run For Presidency

Bucharest general mayor Sorin Oprescu told Antena 3 channel on Sunday evening that he’s considering participating in the presidential elections as independent candidate and that he will decide in the upcoming period.


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Bucharest Mayor Ponders Run For Presidency

Oprescu said he’s pondering his candidacy in the presidential elections.
“I am not ruling it out, but it doesn’t mean that I’ve made my decision now. I need more things. It is a very important decision. I need more time to make my decision,” Oprescu said.
Oprescu said the decision is entirely up to him and that he needs to be sure of people’s sympathy and faith.
“I need people’s sympathy and faith. This is not a time to play, it is a very serious matter,” he added.
When asked what would stop him to run for presidency, Oprescu referred to the promises made to the inhabitants of Bucharest.

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