Bucharest Public Transportation To Be Regulated Entirely By City General Council

Romania’s Lower Chamber voted on Wednesday, as a deciding body, to approve a government decree which shuts down the Bucharest Metropolitan Transportations Authority from within the Transportations Ministry, and moves all of its attribution to the Bucharest Town Hall.


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Bucharest Public Transportation To Be Regulated Entirely By City General Council

All attributions regarding establishing, authorizing, exploiting, handling and controlling public transportation services in Bucharest and Ilfov county will now be exercised by the Bucharest General Council and the Ilfov County Council.

The former institution’s personnel and assets will be taken over by the Bucharest-Ilfov Association for Intercommunitary Development of Public Transportations.

The decree will also see through the finalization of the Cooperative information platform for low carbon and sustainable mobility – CISMOB, financed through EU funds, which aims to reduce carbon emissions in the region.

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