Chinese Constructor Hoyo Starts Tractor Production At Rasnov Plant, C Romania

Chinese company Hoyo started the production of tractors at the plant in Rasnov, central Romania, and the first tractor output will be ready mid-July, Rasnov plant representative Denisa Vasilescu told MEDIAFAX Monday.


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Chinese Constructor Hoyo Starts Tractor Production At Rasnov Plant, C Romania

The production of tractors was postponed several times starting December 2009, due to repair works in the assembly department.

Hoyo representatives said that over 20,000 tractors will be produced annually at the Rasvov plant, which was inaugurated in September 2009. Hoyo Agricultural Machinery Equipment will produce eight types of tractors.

Chinese firm Hoyo - SHK Modern, which is part of group Shantuo Agricultural Machinery Equipment, owns 80% of the plant in Rasnov, and the remainder belongs to Romanian firm Goldex Industry owned by Denisa Vasilescu.

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