Christmas Budget Of Half Of Romanians Below RON400 - Study

The Christmas budget of almost half of Romanians is below 400 lei (EUR1=RON4.2901), according to a survey conducted by the Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy (IRES).


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Christmas Budget Of Half Of Romanians Below RON400 - Study

About 65.8% of Romanians said their Christmas budget was affected by the economic crisis, reads the survey.

According to the source, 90.5% of respondents offer Christmas presents, 98.7% give Christmas gifts to the members of their family, 75% to relatives, 56.2% to friends, 35.6% to neighbors and 25.1% to work colleagues.

The survey reveals that 50.5% of Romanians will have a real Christmas tree this year and 41.4% opted for an artificial one.

About 80% of Romanians will have a special Christmas meal, while 65% of respondents said they will cook traditional food.

The research was conducted in the December 13-15, 2010 interval and includes 1,178 respondents.

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