Code Orange, Yellow Warnings For Floods in W, NW Romania

Romanian hydrologists on Friday issued orange and yellow code warnings targeting floods in the country’s western and northwestern regions, between 2 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Sunday.


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Code Orange, Yellow Warnings For Floods in W, NW Romania

Code orange warning forecasts increased flows on the middle and lower basin of the rivers Tur and Crasna (Satu Mare county), Lapusul inferior (Maramures county), Aries (counties Alba and Cluj), the middle and lower basin of the rivers Barzava and Nera (counties Timis and Caras-Severin), and the upper and middle basin of the rivers Bega and Timis (counties Timis and Caras Severin).

Hydrologists maintained code orange warning for the upper and middle basin of the Crisul Alb River (counties Hunedoara and Arad) and the middle and lower basin of the Crisul Negru River (counties Bihor and Arad).

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