Former Head Of Romanian State Land Property Agency Sentenced To 6 Yrs In Prison

Daniel Dragan, the former head of Romania’s State Land Property Agency, has been sentenced to six years in prison by the Court of Bucharest, on charges of malfeasance in office against public interests.


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Former Head Of Romanian State Land Property Agency Sentenced To 6 Yrs In Prison

A January 29 ruling of a lower Bucharest court cleared Dragan of the charges, but the decision was appealed by anticorruption prosecutors.

According to prosecutors, on July 26, 2007, the former head of the State Land Property Agency issued a decision whereby 147 hectares of land in the area of Popesti-Leordeni, a town near Bucharest, would be restored to the property of an individual. The decision was not grounded on a report by the retrocession request analysis committee and was therefore illegal, causing more than EUR88 million in damages to the state.

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