Ghanese Goalkeeper Dies At 36 Following Severe Car Accident Near Bucharest

Ghanese goalkeeper Ibrahim Dossey died Monday night in Bagdasar Arseni Emergency Hospital in Bucharest, Ionut Dragomir, player for the Romanian team Minerul Lupeni, told MEDIAFAX.


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Ghanese Goalkeeper Dies At 36 Following Severe Car Accident Near Bucharest

“His wife called me and told me Dossey died. I am stupefied. He should have probably been removed from the hospital. Our campaign for him, which raised RON50,000, was in vain,” Dragomir said.

Ibrahim Dossey was severely injured in an accident which occurred on September 13, in the locality Breaza, near Bucharest, southern Romania. He was in a coma following the head injuries he suffered in the accident.

In the accident, a child aged 9 and his parents were also injured.

Aged 36, Dossey did not have his contract extended with Romanian team Pandurii Targu Jiu after it expired in summer, citing his age and medical problems. Dossey had also played for FC Brasov, Rapid Bucharest and Unirea Sanicolau-Mare. A few days before the accident, he had signed a two-year contract with FCM Targoviste.

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