Hungarian President Reschedules Romanian Visit Over Landing Authorization

Hungarian President Laszlo Solyom modified the date of his planned festive visit on Sunday afternoon to Romania, Szekely land to Saturday afternoon because the Romanian Air Authorities withdrew the prior authorized landing permission at Targu Mures, in the center of Transylvania.


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Hungarian President Reschedules Romanian Visit Over Landing Authorization

Solyom was planning to leave for Transylvania after the official ceremonies of the Hungarian national holiday on March 15. Solyom will deliver a speech before returning to Hungary on the same day so that he can preside over official events in Budapest.
Solyom's office said the President, in agreement with the Hungarian government, is convinced that visits to neighbouring countries contribute to enhancing trust between neighbours and fighting prejudice.
Romanian authorities have advised the president that his visit would not be well-timed, given his intention to support territorial self-determination, according to information obtained by the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) and contained in a statement on Wednesday.

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