Nearly 130,000 Romanians To Lose Jobs In Spain By End ’08 - Report

Specialists estimate 3 million people will lose their jobs in Spain by the end of the year, of whom 130,000 are Romanians, according to a report on Romanian migration Spanish Agency for Governmental Strategies released Wednesday.


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Nearly 130,000 Romanians To Lose Jobs In Spain By End ’08 - Report

In the period 1998 - 2008, over 4.5 million people came to Spain to live and work and Romania delivered the highest number of immigrants in the past ten years, particularly after 2001.

Some 720,000 Romanians live currently in Spain, counting for 17% of the foreigners who have residency permits. Of the Romanian immigrants, 448,000 have jobs, and 99,100 are unemployed. Some 154,900 are children, housewives and elderly people.

Romanians’ contribution to the Spanish economy can be estimated, when referring strictly to wages, at EUR8,000 million, or 0.71% of Spain’s gross domestic product.

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