PM: Romania Must Rethink Compensation For Participants In 1989 Revolution

Compensation for people who took part in the 1989 revolution must be granted first to those who were injured and to the families of those who were killed in the uprising, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.


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PM: Romania Must Rethink Compensation For Participants In 1989 Revolution

According to the prime minister, authorities must consider the funds available to pay compensation and rethink the way the financial aid will be granted.

Boc said Thursday evening on private television B1 TV the state allots millions of euros from the state budget to pay compensation to people who took part in the 1989 revolution, and added this issue must be analyzed.

He pointed out stipends are justified only in the case of those injured in the revolution and in the case of the families of those killed in the 1989 uprising.

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