President: Government Must Rise To The Height Of Historical Responsibility

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis pleaded for a new medical system, infrastructure projects and education reforms during his speech at the traditional National Day reception at the Cotroceni Palace.


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President: Government Must Rise To The Height Of Historical Responsibility

The Romanian head of state called on members of the country’s government to “rise to the height of historical responsibility”.

“The Union obliges us to act for the nation’s progress. The state has a central mission, as it has to offer actual solutions (…) Beyond solidarity, the union will be substantiated through infrastructure, a medical system which offers quality services, and education is also one of the important pillars,” the president stated.

The head of state also expressed veiled criticism for politicians who try to push their personal agenda while in public offices.

“The great triumphs of our nation are all possible if we are united, not divided, if we have high aspirations, not petty personal goals, if we keep close to friendly, civilized and democratic nations, not if we isolate ourselves from then,” he added.

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila is the only top ruling coalition figure attending this year’s presidential reception.


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