Raed Arafat: Commercial disinfectant gels kill coronavirus if containing alcohol

Raed Arafat, state secretary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI), has told at "Marius Tucă Show" on Monday that commercial disinfectant gels could destroy the new coronavirus.


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Raed Arafat: Commercial disinfectant gels kill coronavirus if containing alcohol

"Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, after which if you want to put on an alcohol solution it is very good. (...) If they are alcohol-based and use them, yes, they kill the coronavirus, because it is killed by alcohol-based solutions and chlorine-based solutions. The solutions in the market for hand disinfection are usually alcohol-based", Raed Arafat said.

The state secretary added that masks made from a paper towel are not as effective as the professional ones.

"The mask has the role of protecting the others, if the person is sick. On the medical line, the masks we use have a higher level of protection", Raed Arafat explained.

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