Romania Can Meet Justice Reform Goals If Ministry, Magistrates’ Council Work Together

Romania could meet most of its objectives under the EU’s Cooperation and Verification Mechanism this year if the Justice Ministry and High Council of Magistrates get along and act together, Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said Tuesday.


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Romania Can Meet Justice Reform Goals If Ministry, Magistrates’ Council Work Together

Predoiu on Tuesday had a first meeting with the new management of the High Council of Magistrates and discussed the EU's monitoring of Romania's justice sector.

Romania has to work on the sector's human resources policy, magistrates' workload, and the coming into force of the Criminal and Civil Codes and their procedural codes. The council and the ministry decided to hold regular meetings to synchronize their agendas and decide together on further action.

"If the Justice Ministry and High Council of Magistrates work together and act in sync, the objectives of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism can largely be achieved in 2011," Predoiu said.

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