Romania. Isărescu: Annual inflation rate will follow a continuous downward path

The governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isărescu, says that the annual inflation rate will follow a continuous downward path. "We have also discussed a timetable for interest rate cuts. But we have to wait at least two months after the January inflation increase to be convinced", he adds


The annual rate will follow a continuous downward path, and the National Bank of Romania is considering interest rate cuts in the future, but a waiting period of at least two months after January's inflation increase is needed to make a decision, reports the Financial Newspaper.

"We believe in this trajectory, inflation is going down. But we need at least 2 more months, I think of falling consumer prices to make a decision", Mugur Isărescu, governor of the National Bank of Romania, said today.

The annual inflation rate climbed to 7.4% in January 2024 after falling to 6.6% at the end of 2023, according to data from the Institute of Statistics.

The National Bank of Romania adjusted its inflation forecast for the end of 2024 to 4.7% from 4.8% previously, while for 2025 the central bank sees inflation at 3.5%.



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