Romania Might Have 2,000 Km Of Highway In 20 Years – Transport Min

Romania might have 2,000 kilometers of highway in 20 years and this is possible both technically and financially, Transport Minister Radu Berceanu said in an interview broadcast Sunday on private television ProTV.


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Romania Might Have 2,000 Km Of Highway In 20 Years – Transport Min

Berceanu said Romania is likely to have 2,000 kilometers of highway in 20 years if the Government allots enough money for infrastructure projects and if the Cabinet's decisions are voted by the Parliament, adding mass media and the public opinion can also contribute to making this forecast real.

Berceanu said if the Government allots EUR2 billion annually for the next three years, 500 kilometers of highway could be constructed and other about 300 kilometers would be under construction and "close to be finalized".

"If the Government allots only EUR500 million for highway construction, as it has this year, only a quarter of this plan would be carried out," Berceanu said.

Berceanu said 290 kilometers of highway are used in Romania at the moment, adding the Transport Ministry wants to finish the construction of 90 kilometers of highway next year and asked for a budget of 3.5% of the GDP in 2010.

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