Romania’s SNLO Sends Over 9,000 Employees On Tech Unemployment For One Mo

Romania’s state-owned brown coal mining company – Societatea Nationala a Lignitului Oltenia, or SNLO, sent on technical unemployment over 9,000 employees between June 15 and July 15, on large existent coal stocks.


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Romania’s SNLO Sends Over 9,000 Employees On Tech Unemployment For One Mo

SNLO’s employees will receive 75% of their wages and none will benefit from leave of absence during this period.

Thus, only the employees ensuring the coal supply and security with SNLO’s units will go to work between June 15 and July 15.

SNLO equally aims to cut staff by around 600 employees as of July 1, who will be included in a retirement program. According to an agreement between the management and trade unions, another 500 employees will be sent on early retirement until 2012.

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