Romania Signs Tri-Nation Deal To Create Gas Transport Co

Romania, Azerbaidjan and Georgia have signed an agreement Wednesday in Tbilisi to create a mixed company that will transport Azeri gas to Europe, through Georgia, the Romanian Economy Ministry said.


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Romania Signs Tri-Nation Deal To Create Gas Transport Co

The company will be established in Bucharest and shareholders will include Romanian gas producer Romgaz Medias, Azeri SOCAR and Georgian GOGC.

The project involves the construction of a liquefied gas terminal on the Black Sea coast and the maritime transport of gas in Romania.

The company will be founded within 30 days, according to the agreement signed by Romanian Economy Minister Adriean Videanu, Azeri Industry and Energy Minister Natig Aliyev and Georgian Energy Minister Alexander Khetaguri.

The three parties signed in Bucharest in April a cooperation memorandum on the transport of liquefied natural gas.

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