Romania To Host 2011 UEFA European U-19 C’ship - Paper

Romania obtained the rights to organize the 2011 European Under-19 Football Championship at the new “National” stadium in Bucharest, general manager of the Romanian Football Federation (FRF), Ionut Lupescu told on Tuesday.


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Romania To Host 2011 UEFA European U-19 C’ship - Paper

“(…) we’ve brought another competition here (in Romania – e.n.) and I believe this is a very good thing, as it means the outside world appreciates our work,” Lupescu said.
This is the second football competition the European sports governing body UEFA assigns to Romania, following the rights to organize the 2011/2012 UEFA Europe League’s finals.
Romania hosted the latest major sports event in 1998, namely the final leg of the European youth Championship held in Bucharest.

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