Romania To Meet Its Commitments In Afghanistan, Focus On Post-War Reconstruction - President

Romania will continue to meet its commitments in Afghanistan and will focus on post-conflict reconstruction and on training Afghan security forces, President Traian Basescu said Thursday during a meeting with ambassadors of EU countries.


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Romania To Meet Its Commitments In Afghanistan, Focus On Post-War Reconstruction - President

He said that the Summit in Lisbon announced the new stage of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), namely the transition process, which entails transferring security responsibilities to the Afghan forces.

Basescu said at the NATO Summit in Lisbon that one of the objectives is to finish the process transferring security responsibilities from NATO and ISAF to the afghan authorities at the end of 2014.

Romania has deployed 1,663 troops in Afghanistan, of whom 1,655 carry out missions within ISAF and eight within Operation Enduring Freedom. Another 66 gendarmes will be stationed in Afghanistan.

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