Romania, U.S. Start Fifth Round Of Negotiations On Antimissile Shield Project

The fifth round of negotiations between Romania and the United States regarding the anti-missile defense shield will take place in Bucharest on Tuesday, the Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry said Monday.


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Romania, U.S. Start Fifth Round Of Negotiations On Antimissile Shield Project

According to the ministry, discussions will focus of the project's legal framework.

The Romanian delegation will be headed by state secretary Bogdan Aurescu and the U.S. delegation by Frank Rose, deputy assistant state secretary for arms control.

Aurescu and Frank Rose will also hold separate talks on common security-related issues.

On February 4, 2010, Romania's Supreme Council of National Defense accepted U.S. president Barack Obama's invitation to take part in the adaptive development of the European anti-missile defense system. According to the new approach, Romania's entire territory will be protected against short- and average-range missile threats.

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