Romanian Agric Ministry To Subsidize Premiums For Conversion To Organic Farming

Romania’s Agriculture Ministry will use European Union funds to subsidize premiums needed for the conversion of traditional farms to organic farms, the country’s Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru said Thursday.


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Romanian Agric Ministry To Subsidize Premiums For Conversion To Organic Farming

The premium, which can be accessed starting with the second half of 2010, targets farms that switch from traditional to organic farming activities.

Dumitru stressed that his ministry has a reconversion budget of nearly EUR3 million, covered from EU funds.

"The money covers premiums for nearly 1,800 farmers," said Dumitru, adding that, as of 2011, his ministry will try to put forth an agri-environment measure, both for the conversion to organic farming and for the certification of organic farms.

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