Romanian Agricultural Production Can Cover Local Consumption Needs – Agric Min

Romania’s agricultural production can cover local consumption needs and a part of it can be exported, Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said during the Mediafax talks about Romanian Agriculture seminar, and added he objects to imports.


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Romanian Agricultural Production Can Cover Local Consumption Needs – Agric Min

The minister highlighted that, as regards the poultry sector, Romania should import no kilogram of meat, adding the country can even export chicken.

Regarding financial aid to be granted to cattle breeders, Tabara said there are still some problems regarding the total number of cattle. He stressed that, if the ministry were allotted 300 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2687), it could solve problems regarding swine and poultry subsidies.

The minister also wants to grant benefits to youths to encourage them to work in the agriculture sector.

"Over 1.2 million hectares of farmland belong to farmers aged over 70," said Tabara.

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