Romanian Authorities Take New Steps To Develop Medical Tourism

Romanian Health Minister Attila Cseke said Thursday he will soon put forward a draft act to grant spa resort status to ten localities which have therapeutic springs.


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Romanian Authorities Take New Steps To Develop Medical Tourism

According to the health minister, Romania has the highest medical tourism potential in Europe and must take advantage of it by further developing resorts that provide therapeutic baths.

He pointed out that a European directive on patients' right to cross-border healthcare will take effect in October 2013 and will be a great opportunity for Romania.

Cseke said he will soon propose that ten localities which have therapeutic springs, namely Baile Olanesti, Covasna, Baile Felix, Sovata, Techirghiol, Amara, Baile Herculane, Baile Govora, Calimanesti-Caciulata and Ocna Sibiului, be granted spa resort status.

On Thursday, Cseke, Development Minister Elena Udrea, Education Minister Daniel Funeriu, National Health Insurance House president Lucian Duta and Doctors' College president Vasile Astarastoae signed a collaboration protocol to support medical tourism.

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