Romanian Businessman Sent Documents To Get Authorization For Romanian Bk -Sources

Romanian businessman Valer Blidar, the owner of several companies including train car producer Astra Vagoane Calatori Arad, submitted to the central bank the documents needed for the authorization of a bank with Romanian capital, people close to the businessman told MEDIAFAX.


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Romanian Businessman Sent Documents To Get Authorization For Romanian Bk -Sources

Contacted by MEDIAFAX, Blidar declined to say anything, considering that even if this were true, there are confidentiality clauses in the process to authorize a bank.

The quoted sources could not say whether the bank would have other shareholders besides Blidar.

Blidar owns a 44.91% stake directly in Astra Vagoane Calatori Arad, and an additional 51%  indirectly, via Tristar SRL, where he controls 80% of the shares.

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