Romanian Far Right Leader Welcomes Party’s Comeback

Romanian far right Greater Romanian Party leader, Corneliu Vadim Tudor, thanked voters Sunday evening after exit polls showed his party got two seats in the EU Parliament.


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Romanian Far Right Leader Welcomes Party’s Comeback

"I believe in numerology. Today is june 7, we were seventh on the ballot, we got 7.2% of votes, though I’m convinced the score is higher,” Vadim Tudor said.
He also assured Romanians that he and Steaua owner Gigi Becali, “and maybe a third candidate”, will fight for Romania’s interests in the European Parliament.
Two exit polls which placed the party at 6.8% and 7.2%, respectively, which indicates the two, which are top of the list of the party’s candidates, secured MEP seats.
The Greater Romania Party failed to secure enough votes in November 2008 to be part of the Romanian Parliament.

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