Romanian Liberal Lawmaker Virgil Pop Sent To Court In Corruption Case

The Cluj branch of Romania’s Anticorruption Department (DNA) sent liberal lawmaker Virgil Pop to court on charges of influence peddling, forgery, instigation to forgery and money laundering, the representative of the local anticorruption department said Thursday.


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Romanian Liberal Lawmaker Virgil Pop Sent To Court In Corruption Case

The official told the judges of the Cluj Court of Appeals, who try the appeal to the Cluj Court’s ruling that rejects Pop’s request to be released, that prosecutors completed Pop’s file and sent him to court, adding the defendant will be tried at the Cluj Court.
Pop’s lawyer, Eugen Iordachescu, told the judges of the Court of Appeals that Pop’s file is sheer abuse, stressing this should not happen before the judges of the Court of Appeals try Pop’s request to be released.
Judicial sources said Pop allegedly enabled a businessman in Oradea to get hold of certain contracts with Bucharest’s power distribution company Electrica, which allegedly brought Pop 130,000 lei (EUR1=RON3.8874).

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