Romanian Liberal Leader Has Low Party Support For New Term

Romanian Liberal Party vice-president Ludovic Orban said in a press conference Thursday that, according to his information, of the two candidates for party leadership, Crin Antonescu has the support of 22 party branches, while Calin Popescu Tariceanu can only count on two – Cluj and Buzau.


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Romanian Liberal Leader Has Low Party Support For New Term

Orban added that, personally, he supports Antonescu, who he considers the best choice also for the position of president of Romania. He described Antonescu as the complete opposite of the incumbent head of state – someone who “has no connection to the communist regime, (…) who always tried to keep the balance, (…) unlike Basescu, who feeds on conflict, the main source of political scandals in the last five years.”
The Liberal vice-president criticized the performance of current Party leader Calin Popescu Tariceanu versus Antonescu on a TV program, claiming Tariceanu used it as an opportunity to attack his rival and not discuss issues of interest to the public.
In Orban’s opinion, the “winds of change” can be felt in the Liberal Party.

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