Romanian Lower House Adopts Act Freezing Pensions, Salaries In 2012

Romania's Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday adopted Government Emergency Ordinance 80/2010, which includes amendments by the Committee for budget, that stipulate public sector salaries and state pensions will be frozen next year.


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Romanian Lower House Adopts Act Freezing Pensions, Salaries In 2012

The act was adopted with 146 votes for, 104 votes against and 4 abstentions.

Some of the amendments were submitted by Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu. One says the gross value of base salaries or military pay will be kept at the December 2011 level throughout 2012. Another amendment filed by the minister says no aid or compensation is to be paid in 2012 for retirement or employment termination.

The Chamber of Deputies is the deciding house for this act.

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