Romanian Medicine Graduates Who Fail Intern Exam Will Have Limited Duties - Draft

Romanian medical school graduates who failed the medical internship exam will be allowed into the system with limited duties, according to a draft order by the Health Ministry.


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Romanian Medicine Graduates Who Fail Intern Exam Will Have Limited Duties - Draft

According to the draft act, medicine graduates, starting with graduation year 2005, who failed the internship exam are allowed to examine patients, explain to them the particularities of their disease or inform doctors about treatment results. They will be supervised by specialist doctors or general practitioners selected for the task by the healthcare units' manager.

Salary funds for doctors with limited duties will be insured by the healthcare units which employed them, reads the draft act.

Limited-duty doctors will be allowed to work in private and public medical units based on individual work contracts. They will not be allowed to have their own seal, sign contracts with health insurance houses or provide emergency medical care.

Over 1,000 medical school graduates failed the hospital internship exam over the past five years and many of them could be allowed into the system, said Health Minister Attila Cseke. According to the minister, over 350 medical graduates failed the exam last year.

The draft act is available on the Health Ministry's website.

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