Romanian PM Hires Niece As Adviser

Romania prime minister Emil Boc hired his niece Mihaela-Eugenia Boc as adviser in his Chancellery, an institution currently undergoing restructuring.


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Romanian PM Hires Niece As Adviser

Mihaela Boc previously worked within the Protocol and Foreign Relations of Cluj City Hall.
Emil Boc is cousins with Mihaela Boc’s father.
Mihaela Eugenia Boc is a member of the Democratic Liberal Party and was hired in the Prime Minister Cabinet early February.
Most people in the Prime Minister’s office are former collaborators of Boc’s from the time when he was mayor in Cluj.
Boc recently decided the number of positions in the Chancellery will be diminished from 304 to 167 positions, since cuts in staff spending are required.

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