Romanian Police Drafted 408 Criminal Files For Multiple Voting In June ‘09 EP Elections

The Romanian Police on Saturday said it drafted 408 criminal files following investigations into 453 suspicions of multiple voting in the European Parliament elections in Romania on June 7, 2009, which were notified by the country’s election authority two weeks ago.


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Romanian Police Drafted 408 Criminal Files For Multiple Voting In June ‘09 EP Elections

Late this week, the Romanian Police also received from the election authority data regarding other 817 people suspected of multiple voting in this year's EP elections.

The data will be sent to county police departments countrywide for further investigations by prosecutors with the courts of appeals to solve the cases as soon as possible, the Police said in a press release Saturday .

On November 18, 2009, the electoral authority notified the General Police Inspectorate of 453 suspicions of multiple voting in this year's EP elections, after having noticed that the same personal identification numbers appeared twice or even several times on electoral lists.

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