Romanian President Expects Govt’s Report On Unauthorized Police Protest March

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday, at the swearing-in ceremony of the country’s new Interior Minister Traian Igas, that he expects the Government’s report regarding the unauthorized protest march of police workers last Friday, in front of the presidential palace.


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Romanian President Expects Govt’s Report On Unauthorized Police Protest March

Basescu stressed that Vasile Blaga's decision to resign from the position of interior minister substitutes similar decisions that should have been made by those responsible for the events last Friday.

The president said the Government's report will be presented Thursday, at the meeting of the Supreme Defense Council. The meeting will be held in the aftermath of an unauthorized protest Friday by police officers and other Interior Ministry employees in front of the presidential palace. Following the protest, Basescu and Prime Minister Emil Boc announced they no longer wish to be escorted by ministry personnel.

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