Romanian President: We Must Not Abandon Those Who Speak Our Language

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday, in his address to Parliament, that we must not abandon those who speak our own language, stressing Romania has no intention whatsoever to lay claim to past territories or contest the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova.


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Romanian President: We Must Not Abandon Those Who Speak Our Language

"We must not abandon those who speak our language," said Basescu, adding that Romania has no intention whatsoever to lay claim to past territories, change borders or contest the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova.
Basescu also pointed out that Romanian authorities refused to retort to recent “provocations” from Moldovan authorities.
Moreover, the head of state said Romania is not responsible for failed attempts to build democracy in the Republic of Moldova and stressed that Moldovan high officials, who run the country dangerously, are responsible for this situation.
He also reminded that Romania was the first country to recognize the statehood of the Republic of Moldova back in 1991.

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