Romanian Senate’s Legal Committee To Hear Labor Min On June 5

The Romanian Senate’s committee for legal matters Tuesday decided to hear liberal labor minister Paul Pacuraru on June 5 in the file in which he is charged with bribery taking.


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Romanian Senate’s Legal Committee To Hear Labor Min On June 5

Liberal senator Norica Nicolai, head of the committee, said Pacuraru’s hearing was scheduled on June 5 in the committee’s first session after the first round of local polls on June 1.  
On April 18, anticorruption prosecutors requested Senate’s approval to start investigations against Pacuraru on charges of bribery.
Under a March decision of the country’s Constitutional Court, prosecutors are compelled to ask for parliament’s approval in criminal cases against former or acting ministers who are also members of parliament.
Pacuraru is suspected of accepting bribery in exchange for appointing “a certain Mr. Romanescu” in the position of head of the territorial labor inspectorate in Gorj County, as a favor to Dan Ilie Morega, leader of the liberal branch in the county.

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