Romanian Social Democrat VP Joins Race For Party Head

Romanian social democrat vice-president Victor Ponta said Monday he decided to join the race for party president, following the decision of social democrat Adrian Nastase to drop out of the race for the party leader seat.


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Romanian Social Democrat VP Joins Race For Party Head

"I didn't plan to enter the race, but now that Nastase dropped out of the competition, an alternative is needed," said Ponta after the meeting of the party's national executive committee.

Nastase said Monday he is backing out of the race for party president, saying he doesn't want to be part of a competition he described as lame spectacle.

Nastase, who has led the party previously, said he will remain a party member but doesn't want to run for any position within it.

Social democrats elect new leaders Saturday and the race for the party president seat will be disputed by current party leader Mircea Geoana, party "renegade" Miron Mitrea, former foreign affairs minister Cristian Diaconescu , Constanta mayor Radu Mazare and current party vice-president Victor Ponta.

The outcome of these inner-party elections is eagerly anticipated since it could spell an upgrade, stagnation or even scission for Romania's sole relevant leftist party and also the party with the alleged greatest number of members.

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