Romanian TV Producer Charged With Blackmail Released From Arrest

Romanian TV producer, charged with blackmail along TV station owner Dan Diaconescu, has been released from custody after the Bucharest Court ruled Wednesday he may be investigated at large.


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Romanian TV Producer Charged With Blackmail Released From Arrest

Parv spent six weeks in custody. He is banned from leaving his town of residence and may not contact other parties involved in the case.

Parv and Diaconescu were arrested on June 23 by anticorruption prosecutors on charges of threatening and blackmailing a mayor in the western county of Arad. Diaconescu was released from custody two days later, but Parv was kept under preventive arrest.

Prosecutors say the two solicited EUR200,000 from the mayor threatening to air compromising videos of him. The mayor allegedly paid Parv EUR30,000.

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