Somali Pirates Release UK-Flagged Asian Glory With Two Romanians Aboard

The Asian Glory, the ship whose crew includes two Romanians, has been released by Somali pirates, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced Friday, according to the Interfax-Ukraine news agency, cited by the online edition of the Kyiv Post.


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Somali Pirates Release UK-Flagged Asian Glory With Two Romanians Aboard

"Ukraine has just received information about the release of the British-flagged Asian Glory car carrier, with a crew that included ten Ukrainians," Deputy Foreign Minister Ruslan Demchenko told Interfax-Ukraine, cited by Kyiv Post.

The British-flagged car carrier Asian Glory was hijacked by Somali pirates on January 2, 2010 in the Indian Ocean, 1,000 km off the coast of Somalia. Its crew of 25 is made up of two Romanians, ten Ukrainians, eight Bulgarians and five Indians.

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